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¿Te atreverías a estafar a la propia empresa en la que trabajas? Eso es lo que pensaron un grupo de seis trabajadores de Apple que ideó un elaborado plan para aprovecharse del programa de donaciones benéficas de la compañía, consiguiendo desviar más de 150.00…
¿Te atreverías a estafar a la propia empresa en la que trabajas? Eso es lo que pensaron un grupo de seis trabajadores de Apple que ideó un elaborado plan para aprovecharse del programa de donaciones … [+2858 chars]
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Au fil du temps, tous les ordinateurs qu'ils tournent sous Windows ou MacOS connaissent une baisse de régime. Le premier réflexe que l'on a est de penser à en acheter un nouveau. Cela dit, il arrive que les finances ne nous le permettent pas, et l'on est obli…
Cela dit, il y a une solution toute trouvée à ce petit problème, en particulier pour les Mac : la Washing Machine de Intego. Si vous n’en avez jamais entendu parler, sachez qu’il s’agit d’un outil de… [+3688 chars]
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He led Twitter and Instagram to outstrip competitors. For his hat trick, Kevin Weil will try to save OpenAI from itself.
Noam Galai/Getty Images for TechCrunch; Pau Barrena/AFP via Getty Images; Rebecca Zisser/BI Kevin Weil showed no sign of the heat when he took to the stage at the Marriott Marquis in downtown San Fr… [+13110 chars]
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Apple iTunes [apple.com] has *Barbie *(Digital 4K UHD Film) for *$4.99*. This title is Movies Anywhere (MA) compatible. Includes iTunes Extras (audio commentary by director Greta Gerwig and behind...
This collaborative space allows users to contribute additional information, tips, and insights to enhance the original deal post. Feel free to share your knowledge and help fellow shoppers make infor… [+26 chars]
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Findet heraus, welche zeitlich begrenzten Angebote an kostenlosen Apps und Spielen im Apple App Store und Google Play Store erhältlich sind.
Jetzt, wo die Weihnachtszeit beginnt, eine Zeit, die traditionell voller Freude ist, fragt Ihr Euch vielleicht, wie Ihr den Winterblues bekämpfen könnt, wenn Ihr Euch ein bisschen einsam fühlt. Eine … [+4679 chars]
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La connettività mobile per Mac potrebbe arrivare non prima del 2026
Secondo indiscrezioni, Apple presenterà nel corso del prossimo anno un nuovo iPhone 17 “Air”, in aggiunta ai tradizionali iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro e iPhone 17 Pro Max, che avrà probabilmente uno spes… [+2871 chars]
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Apple sarebbe pronta a introdurre il suo tanto atteso modem 5G proprietario
Dopo oltre cinque anni di sviluppo, Apple sarebbe pronta a introdurre il suo tanto atteso modem 5G proprietario. Secondo un nuovo rapporto di Mark Gurman di Bloomberg, che conferma ulteriormente quan… [+3270 chars]
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Le constructeur allemand Porsche travaille en étroite collaboration avec les dernières technologies Apple pour faire la démonstration de ce qui se cache derrière ses innovations automobiles les plus récentes.
À l'avenir, Porsche entend bien utiliser la technologie Persona d'Apple afin de réunir ses convives à distance et de leur permettre de participer à des expériences similaires, et d'interagir et d'éch… [+355 chars]
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“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Can anyone deny that these emphatic words spoken by President Ronald Regan in his speech at the Berlin Wall were some of his most notable (among many) from his stellar two terms in the White House?...
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Can anyone deny that these emphatic words spoken by President Ronald Regan in his speech at the Berlin Wall were some of his most notable (among many) from his … [+6928 chars]
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A man’s Acer Inc. laptop randomly crashed without any explanation, causing confusion as to why the computer died—the reason he thinks his laptop failed? His warranty ended three years prior. Like, to the day. In a video with more than 90,000 views, TikTok u…
A mans Acer Inc. laptop randomly crashed without any explanation, causing confusion as to why the computer diedthe reason he thinks his laptop failed? His warranty ended three years prior. Like, to t… [+3842 chars]
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